Co-operation, understanding, respect.

Our mission and vision
We encourage dialogue, co-operation and understanding between people from different faith communities and civil society, who aim to improve the wellbeing of vulnerable people in Derbyshire.
Our vision is a society where the diversity and expertise of faith communities actively contributes to the building of safe, healthy and cohesive communities throughout Derbyshire.
Our activities
We organise various events to engage, connect and uplift the local community and work towards our vision. Collaboration is an important part of our strategy, so these are frequently done in partnership with other organisations in Derby(shire). We also deliver training on religious diversity, overcoming Islamophobia and anti-Semitism for both individuals and organisations.

Our Supporters
To date, the MFC has delivered programmes by working with and receiving support from several different partners:

Our objective
One of our objectives is to celebrate and reflect on good work done by communities across Derbyshire, especially faith communities who have contributed to pandemic relief as well as social action and wellbeing. We strive to elevate the profile of faith as a powerful force for good in our society one step at a time. You can keep up with the good news from around Derbyshire here: