Women in Faith Network is set to provide a series of empowering events which provide opportunities for meaningful connection, conversation and action.

2024 was an inspirational year to be involved with the Women in Faith Network, with incredible speakers from across Derby communities exploring a vast range of issues that impact and affect women of faith and their communities locally. Topics ranged from exploring how communities can create a warm welcome for refugees with Maison Foo and Upbeat Communities; to tackling Hate Crime with Safe & Sound, Derbyshire Violence Reduction Unit and the Derbyshire Police Crime Commissioner; and considered how we can improve mental health and wellbeing with Buddhist Chaplain Brenda Caldwell Phillips and Community Arts Practitioner Every Stitch A Story.
2025 is now set to expand of this success. Together with members and a host of inspiring female leaders and facilitators we have developed a varied programme of events for 2025 which builds upon last year’s success and offers women opportunities for sharing, learning and connection within a safe space. Topics and events have been shaped by network members' feedback and cover a variety of themes with a focus on sharing expertise, learning from each other and creating a safe space for meaningful conversation. Excitingly, we are also hosting a special event for International Women's Day! An afternoon of physical, mental and spiritual nourishment, care and community. We have planned full afternoon programme of activities Including a meditation session, mental wellbeing talk, sound journey and more! We are actively seeking practitioners and facilitators to further support and develop this event, please do get in touch if you'd like to get involved.
Monthly network meetings will run throughout the year, usually on the last Wednesday of each month, 6-8pm at the Multi-Faith Centre, Kedleston Road. Attendees will have the chance to network, enjoy a light buffet, listen to an inspirational speaker, and participate in facilitated discussions. The first event ‘Caring for yourself whilst caring for others’ will explore how women hold space for others, through work, volunteering, community involvement and caring commitments, and some practical ways women can pay attention to their needs and incorporate simple methods of self-care within their busy lives. We are delighted to have Assistant Psychologist Ikra Quamar from the NHS Community Quality Conversations Team joining us to share her expertise. For more information and tickets visit: Women in Faith Network: Caring for yourself whilst caring for others.
The Women in Faith Network is a friendly, welcoming forum for Women of Faith from across Derby to come together to discuss issues which affect them. It is a supportive, nurturing, inspirational space where women can network, share experiences, learn from best practice, and find inspiration to continue the valuable work they do within their communities and workplaces throughout the city.
Here's a sneak peek into the plans for the year ahead...
Wednesday 29th January - Caring for Yourself Whilst Caring for Others - Guest Speaker Ikra Quamar, Assistant Psychologist NHS Community Quality Conversations
Wednesday 26th February - Stitching Peace Workshop, Enabling Difficult Conversations Through Making - Guest Host, Community Arts Practitioner Laura Burrill, Every Stitch A Story
Saturday 8th March - International Women's Day - Interfaith Wellness Afternoon - Guest hosts include Buddhist Chaplain Brenda Caldwell Phillips, NHS Assistant Psychologist Ikra Quamar and more! We are actively seeking practitioners and facilitators to further support and develop this event, please do get in touch with Laura if you'd like to get involved.
Wednesday 26th March - Inspiring Women Change Makers - Women's Interfaith Spaces and Change Making - Guest Speaker Peach Hoyle, Woolf Institute, University of Cambridge
Wednesday 30th April - Interfaith Sharing Session - Share your Faith - Guest Speakers, would you like to share something about your faith, something commonly misunderstood, a ceremony, a practice, belief. In this session we welcome network members to come along and share openly and ask questions so we can learn from each other.
Wednesday 21st May - Dying Matters - Breaking the Stigma around Death, Dying and Grief - Guest Speaker Karren Gratton, Minister and Celebrant.
Wednesday 25th June - Summer Solstice Walk - Nurturing through Nature - We are actively seeking a guide, host, facilitator for this event. If you have an idea around the theme of nature nurturing wellbeing and the environment we'd love to hear from you. With the beautiful Markeaton Park on our doorstep we'd love to utilise this wonderful resource, please contact Laura..
Wednesday 23rd July - International Day of Friendship - Interfaith Visit - more information soon, we are developing a walk around Normanton including visits to places of worship. Please contact Laura if you'd like to help facilitate and or host this event.
Wednesday 24th September - International Day of the Girl Child - Health and Education of Women and Girls - We are actively seeking speakers for this event, if you are interested please contact Laura.
Wednesday 29th October - Derby Season of Light - Celebrating Faith Diversity - more information soon!
Wednesday 26th November - Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls - more information soon!
Wednesday 10th December - End of Year Celebration - help us celebrate the end of another fantastic year with world music, creativity and of course food!
If you'd like to know more about the network, join a meeting, offer your services as a speaker or have ideas for further events please contact Laura Burrill, [email protected]