Job Vacancy - Marketing & Events Manager
The Multi Faith Centre is recruiting for a part-time Marketing & Manager, a creative thinker who shares our values and commitment to taking the Multi Faith Cent...
Job Vacancy - Marketing & Events ManagerA recap of our Stronger Together conference
What an awesome turn out for our Stronger Together conference. Such great, thought provoking conversations were had and ideas shared all around.
A recap of our Stronger Together conferenceBecome an MFC Trustee
We are seeking Trustees who share our vision. We are looking for people with a range of skills, specialist knowledge, energy and dedication who can contribute a...
Become an MFC TrusteeCelebrating International Women's Day at Multi-Faith Centre
Such a great atmosphere and great conversations at our International Women's Day event.
Celebrating International Women's Day at Multi-Faith CentreDerby's Ukraine Peace Procession Held on the 24th of February
To mark the first anniversary of the war on Ukraine, a peace procession was held through Derby. This was an opportunity for people to come together to share hop...
Derby's Ukraine Peace Procession Held on the 24th of FebruaryThe planting of the Auschwitz sapling at Multi-Faith Centre for Holocaust Memorial Day
A sapling grown from a horse chestnut found at Auschwitz-Birkenau was planted at the University and unveiled as part of a series of events to mark Holocaust Mem...
The planting of the Auschwitz sapling at Multi-Faith Centre for Holocaust Memorial DayCelebrating Interfaith Week 2022
On Saturday 12th of November, we gathered with people of faith and no faith and embarked on an Interfaith walk visiting different faith centres in the community...
Celebrating Interfaith Week 2022Video Projection and Reflection
As part of our Inter-Faith Week activities to strengthen inter faith understanding and cooperation; highlight the contribution of faith groups to society; and t...
Video Projection and ReflectionDerby Peace Week 2022 - Climate, Faith and Peace
Derby Peace Week 2022 - Climate, Faith and Peace
Derby Peace Week 2022 - Climate, Faith and Peace