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The City of Derby is with all those affected and caught up in the current conflict. We recognise the intrinsic value of every human life.


It saddens us all to witness suffering on an incomprehensible scale. We are reminded that these are people’s brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, fathers, and mothers, and that many in our communities living here have deep personal connections with loved ones in the region.

Therefore, we call upon all parties, with support from the international community, to work together to establish peace in the area, and to bring an end to the suffering and loss of human life.

We are also sadly too aware that the escalation of this conflict often leads to a sharp rise in Antisemitism and Islamophobia in the city and across Derbyshire, the UK and elsewhere.

Local communities and individuals feel and voice tremendous pain about these unfolding events. In the context of the impact on community relations in the city, we encourage everyone to join the hard but vital work of ensuring that strongly held sympathies and concerns across all our communities do not spill over into racial hatred or religious intimidation.

We ask that lines of honest and courteous communication are kept open, and that we continue our dialogue with kindness. We want to stand up for the safety and security of all people to offer, side by side, humanitarian support to the vulnerable and needy; to support our faith communities and to seek ways, whenever possible, to find a common voice for justice and compassion.


Cllr Baggy Shanker, Leader of the Council and Labour Group, Derby City Council

Cllr Steve Hassall, Leader of the Conservatives, Derby City Council

Cllr Tim Prosser, Leader of Reform Derby and Reform Derby Group, Derby City Council

Cllr Ajit Atwal, Leader of the Liberal Democrats and Liberal Democrat Group, Derby City Council

Cllr Phil Ingall, Leader of the Independents and Independent Group, Derby City Council

The Rt Revd Libby Lane Bishop of Derby, Chair of Trustees, the Multifaith Centre at the University of Derby.

The Very Revd Dr Peter Robinson, Dean of Derby, and Chair of the Faith Steering Group

Professor Kathryn Mitchell CBE DL, Vice-Chancellor, University of Derby

Kim Harper, Chief Executive, Community Action Derby

Dominic White, President of the Union of Students, University of Derby

Eve Sacker

Abu Adam al Shiraazi, Midlands Chair, Minhaj ul Quran

Kurd Association of Derby Masjid al Jannah

Revd Dr Stuart Bell, Superintendent Minister of the Derby Methodist Circuit

Simon Shaw, Chair City Vision

Gurdwara Khalsa Darbar Sinfin

Gurdwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha

Dilbag Bola, Chair of Education and Heritage Committee, Supreme Sikh Council

Dr Hardial Singh Dhillon - Sikh trustee and Hon-Vice President of MFC at the University of Derby

David Williams MBE DL, Chairman, Geldards LLP

Dr Vivekanand Sharma, Derby Hindu Temple

Notes to editors

The Multi Faith Centre is coordinating this statement on behalf of partners including the Derby City Partnership Board, Faith Steering Group and faith communities across the city.

The Multi Faith Centre (MFC) is an independent charity located on the University of Derby campus. MFC encourages and facilitates dialogue, co-operation, mutual respect and understanding between a diverse range of people from different faith communities and civil society who by coming together aim to improve the wellbeing of people living in Derbyshire.

For further information contact:

Laura Burrill, Marketing & Events Manager
Multi-Faith Centre
(E) [email protected]

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