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Sharing, learning, supporting and celebrating with women of faith in Derby.

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2023 saw the launch of the Multi-Faith Centres’ Women in Faith Network, spearhead by Faith Community Development Worker and University of Derby Lecturer Jo Vale. Through Jo’s research work with local faith communities, she became convinced there was a need for a space to be created for women of faith to come together to discuss issues which affect them and their communities.

With the support of University of Derby colleagues and women of faith, Ifza Shakoor, PhD research student, and Navjot Virk, Head of Discipline - Midwifery and Children's Nursing, Jo put together several engaging and uplifting events throughout the year including a celebration of Black History Month held at the Multi-Faith Centre. The outcomes from these relaxed and social gatherings were encouraging, enabling women of faith to share their experiences regarding barriers they face in their communities and how they can overcome them. From this fledgling group, interfaith friendships have been formed and a greater understanding of different faiths created. Attendees have enjoyed the connection and community-sharing experience highlighting the importance of women only faith groups to act as a safe space which enable personal growth. As one participant remarked “being in a female-only group helps to build our confidence”.

Looking forward to 2024, Jo is keen to further grow this developing network. Utilising research work conducted by the Faith Community Development Team, which has resulted in the Stronger Together Report, Jo and the Multi-Faith Centre team are developing a full year of exciting, informative events. The report has highlighted several key areas affecting women and their communities in Derby, these include women’s health and well-being, violence against women and girls and reducing community tensions. The monthly events will respond to these issues, bringing women of faith together to support and help each other and tackle real life issues by sharing their experiences and wisdom, with an ultimate goal of affecting positive change.

Events will run throughout the year on the 3rd Wednesday of each month, 6-8pm at the Multi-Faith Centre, Kedleston Road. Attendees will have the chance to network, enjoy a light buffet, listen to an inspirational speaker, and participate in facilitated discussions. The first event ‘How can we nurture women’s positive mental wellbeing’ on Wednesday 17th January welcomes guest speaker, Chartered Psychologist and ordained Buddhist Chaplain, Dr. Brenda Caldwell Phillips. Dr. Caldwell Phillips co-directs the MSc Health Psychology Programme at the University of Derby and provides psychospiritual support to patients with cancer. She is a member of the Prajna Mountain Buddhist Order and Zen Peacemaker Order. Events are free to attend, but booking is required. For more information and tickets visit event: Women In Faith Network: How Can We Nurture Women's positive Mental Wellbeing?

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